Have you ever said something like 仕事に行った前(しごとに いったまえ) to mean “before I went to work”? If so, you’re not alone! This is a common mistake Japanese learners make when trying to use 前 (まえ), 後 (あと), 時 (とき), and 頃 (ころ) to talk about time. In this article, we’ll learn the proper grammar so you can avoid making the same mistake. Let’s dive in!
- 前 (まえ) — Before
- 後 (あと) — After
- 時 (とき) — When
- 頃 (ころ) — Around the time of
Very Common Mistakes
Many learners make mistakes with expressions like these:
Common Mistake | Incorrect Usage | Correct Usage | Notes |
Before I went to Japan | 日本に行った前 (にほんにいったまえ)ー (×) | 日本に行く前 (にほんにいくまえ)ー Before I went to Japan | Using た-form verb + 前 is incorrect. Use dictionary form + 前 always. |
After going to work | 仕事に行く後 (しごとにいくあと)ー (×) | 仕事に行った後 (しごとにいったあと)ー After going to work | Using dictionary form + 後 is incorrect. Use た-form verb + 後 always. |
When going to work | 仕事に行きます時 (しごとにいきますとき)ー (×) | 仕事に行く時 (しごとにいくとき)ー When going to work | Using formal form + 時 is incorrect. Use casual verb forms always. |
In winter | 冬時 (ふゆとき)ー (×) | 冬に (ふゆに)ー In winter OR 冬、(ふゆ、)ー In winter | 時(とき) cannot be used with standalone time words like 冬(ふゆ). |
When I was a child | 子供時 (こどもとき)ー (×) | 子供の時 (こどものとき)ー When I was a child | 時(とき) must be preceded by の when used with nouns like 子供(こども). |
Each term has specific grammatical structures and contexts that can make it tricky to use. Let’s break down each term, its grammatical patterns, and common pitfalls.
Grammar Rules Chart
Rule No. | Category | Noun | Verb | Adjective |
1. Before | 前 (まえ) | noun + の + 前(まえ) | dictionary-form verb + 前(まえ) | none |
2. Before (formal) | 〜前 (まえ) | Certain noun + 前(まえ) | none | none |
3. After | 後 (あと) | noun + の + 後(あと) | たform verb + 後(あと) | none |
4. After (formal) | 〜後 (ご) | Certain noun + 後(ご) | none | none |
5. When | 時 (とき) | noun + の + 時(とき) | verb in any tense + 時(とき) | い/な-adjectives in any tense + 時(とき) |
6. When (formal) | 〜時 (じ) | Certain noun + 時(じ) | none | none |
7. Around | 頃 (ころ) | noun + の + 頃(ころ) | verb in any tense + 頃(ころ) | い/な-adjectives in any tense + 頃(ころ) |
8. Around (formal) | 〜頃 (ごろ) | Certain noun + 頃(ごろ) | none | none |
Detailed Examples and Explanations
Rule 1. 前 (まえ) – Before
Note: With 前(まえ), the tense of the sentence doesn’t change the form; the structure remains consistent.
- [Noun + の + 前(まえ)]: Before Noun
- 仕事の前 (しごとのまえ) — Before work
- 仕事の前に日本語を勉強した。(しごとのまえに にほんごを べんきょうした。) ー I studied Japanese before work.
- [Dictionary-form verb + 前(まえ)]: Before Verb
- 仕事に行く前 (しごとにいくまえ) — Before going to work
- 仕事に行く前に日本語を勉強した。(しごとに いくまえに にほんごを べんきょうした。) ー I studied Japanese before going work.
Rule 2. Certain nouns + 前 (まえ) – Before (formal)
- [Certain nouns + 前(まえ)]: Certain nouns like 朝食 (ちょうしょく, breakfast), 出発 (しゅっぱつ, departure), or 就寝 (しゅうしん, sleep) can take 前 directly, adding a slightly formal tone.
- 朝食前 (ちょうしょくまえ) — Before breakfast
- 就寝前 (しゅうしんまえ) ー Before sleep
- 就寝前に薬を飲んでください。(しゅうしんまえに くすりを のんでください。)ー Please take the medicine before sleep.
Rule 3. 後 (あと) – After
Note: Similar to 前(まえ), 後(あと) remains in a fixed form regardless of sentence tense.
- [Noun + の + 後(あと)]: After Noun
- 旅行の後 (りょこうのあと) — After the trip
- 旅行の後に両親に会います。 (りょこうのあとに りょうしんに あいます。) — I’ll see my parents after the trip.
- [たform verb + 後(あと)]: After Verb
- 旅行から帰った後に両親に会います。(りょこうから かえったあとに りょうしんに あいます。) —I’ll see my parents after I get back from the trip.
Rule 4. Certain nouns + 後 (ご) – After (formal)
- [Certain nouns + 後(ご)]: Like with 〜前(〜まえ), certain nouns like 夕食(ゆうしょく, dinner), 勤務(きんむ, work) can take 〜後(〜ご) directly without の, sounding slightly formal.
- 勤務後 (きんむご) ー After work
- 夕食後 (ゆうしょくご) — After dinner
- 今夜は夕食後に出かけます。(こんやは ゆうしょくごに でかけます。) ーTonight, I will go out after dinner.
- 終了後 (しゅうりょうご) ーAfter the end/completion (of sth)
- 試験終了後は教室から出てください。(しけんしゅうりょうごは きょうしつから でてください。) ー After the exam, please leave the classroom.
Rule 5. 時 (とき) – When
Note: With 時(とき), the tense and form must match the situation (e.g., negative, past, potential), but the form should stay casual.
- [Noun + の + 時(とき)]: Used with nouns to mean “when” something happens.
- 子供の時 (こどものとき) — When I was a child
- 子供の時 (こどものとき) — When I was a child
- [Verb in any tense + 時(とき)]: Works with dictionary form, past tense, negative form, potential form, and so on, as long as the part before 時(とき) makes sense as a complete sentence. Make sure to use casual forms.
Note: If the sentence before 時(とき) doesn’t make sense, like in 行って時(いってとき), it’s incorrect. The て-form of a verb is typically used for connecting actions or making requests (e.g., “go ahead”), so it doesn’t work with 時(とき).
- 日本に行く時 (にほんにいくとき) — When I go to Japan
- 日本に行った時 (にほんにいったとき) ー When I went to Japan
- 道が分からない時は電話してください。 (みちが わからないときは 電話してください。) —When you don’t know the way, please call me.
- 日本語が読めなかった時は日本で苦労しました。 (にほんごが よめなかったときは にほんで くろうしました。) — I had a hard time in Japan when I couldn’t read Japanese.
- クビだと言われた時はショックでした。(くびだと いわれたときは しょっくでした。) ー I was shocked when they told me that I was fired.
- [い/な-adjectives + 時(とき)]: Works with both い-adjectives and な-adjectives in various forms.
- 悲しい時 (かなしいとき) ー When I’m sad
- 忙しくない時に話そう。 (いそがしくないときに はなそう。) — Let’s talk when we’re not busy.
- 元気な時 (げんきなとき) — When I’m well
- 大変な時に助けてくれて、ありがとう。(たいへんなときに たすけてくれて、ありがとう。) ー Thank you for helping me when I was going through a difficult time.
Rule 6. Certain nouns + 時 (じ) – When (formal)
- [Certain nouns + 時(じ)]: Like with 〜前(〜まえ) and 〜後(〜ご) , certain nouns like 勤務(きんむ, work), or 就寝 (しゅうしん, sleep) can take 〜時(〜じ) directly without の, sounding formal.
- 勤務時 (きんむじ) — At the time of work
- 帰宅時 (きたくじ) ー At the time returning home
- 就寝時 (しゅうしんじ) — At bedtime
- 人は就寝時には汗をかき、体温を下げています。(ひとは しゅうしんじに あせをかき、たいおんを さげています。) ーPeople sweat and lower their body temperature when they sleep.
Rule 7. 頃 (ころ) – Around
頃(ころ) suggests an approximate time and can be used with different forms of verbs and adjectives.
- [Noun + の + 頃(ころ)]: Used with nouns to mean “around the time of.”
- 子供の頃 (こどものころ) — Around the time I was a child
- 子供の頃 (こどものころ) — Around the time I was a child
- [Verb in any tense + 頃(ころ)]: Works with various tenses to show approximate timing.
- 日本に行く頃 (にほんにいくころ) — Around the time of going to Japan
- 大学で勉強していた頃 (だいがくで べんきょうしていたころ) — Around the time I was studying at the university
- サラリーマンをしていた頃は毎日疲れていました。(さらりーまんを していたころは まいにち つかれていました。) ーAround the time I was a salaryman, I was tired every day.
- [い/な-adjectives + 頃(ころ)]: Can be used with い-adjectives and な-adjectives in different forms.
- 小さい頃/小さかった頃 (ちいさいころ/ちいさかったころ) — Around the time I was little
- 日本語が下手だった頃 (にほんごが へただったころ) ー Around the time my Japanese wasn’t good
- ピアノが上手じゃなかった頃 (じょうずじゃなかったころ) — Around the time I wasn’t good at playing piano.
- 紅葉が綺麗な頃に来ましょう。 (こうようが きれいなころに きましょう。) ーLet’s come here around the time the autumn leaves are beautiful.
Rule 8. Certain nouns + 頃 (ごろ)
Some specific nouns can take 〜頃(〜ごろ) directly, making it slightly more casual and flexible in meaning.
- 春頃 (はるごろ) — Around spring
- 夕方頃 (ゆうがたごろ) — Around evening
- 4月頃 (しがつごろ) — Around April
- 12時頃 (じゅうにじごろ) — Around 12 o’clock
Differences Between 時 (とき) and 頃 (ころ)
- 時 (とき) implies a specific time or event, often used for single instances.
- 日本に行く時 (にほんにいくとき) — When going to Japan (specific occasion)
- 日本に行く時 (にほんにいくとき) — When going to Japan (specific occasion)
- 頃 (ころ) suggests a general timeframe or approximation, useful for less defined events.
- 日本に行く頃 (にほんにいくころ) — Around the time of going to Japan (more flexible timing)
Why 時(とき) Cannot Be Used with Time Words Like 冬(ふゆ) or 朝(あさ)
時(とき) generally refers to a specific moment or period when an event happens.
Standalone time words like 冬(ふゆ) or 朝(あさ) already convey a sense of time, so adding 時(とき) becomes redundant and ungrammatical.
To express “in winter,” simply add the particle に or omit the particle entirely.
If you want to say “during winter,” it’s more natural to use 〜の間(〜のあいだ).
For example:
- 冬に (ふゆに) — “In winter”
- 冬、 (ふゆ、) — “In winter”
- 冬の間 (ふゆのあいだ) — “During winter”
Why 〜頃(〜ごろ) Works Instead
〜頃(〜ごろ) is used to express an approximate time or period and can naturally follow standalone time words without needing additional modifiers like の. This makes it more flexible than 時(とき) in some cases.
For example:
- 冬頃 (ふゆごろ) — “Around winter”
- 朝頃 (あさごろ) — “Around morning”
〜頃(〜ごろ) simplifies expressions by directly attaching to time-related nouns, making it suitable when you want to refer to approximate times without needing extra grammatical structures.